An idea of ForestSport was born!
An idea to organize ForestSport, a competition of foresters and forest lovers, was born before the 10th anniversary of yearly foresters‘ meeting „Miško dienos Vėžaičiai“ (Forest Days Vėžaičiai”). Why?..
Because there was a lot of talking and discussions over the last ten years, interesting seminars and conferences took place, but.... the time has eventually came to move from the words to actions!... Maybe disquisition of painful forestry problems has reached the end of its tether, maybe we got a bit tired of it all, so we simply needed something new and enlivening... The decision was made therefore to radically change the name of the annual event „Miško dienos Vėžaičiai“ (Forest Days Vėžaičiai”) to ForestSport, replacing the previous conferences and seminars by complex competition of foresters and forest lovers.